Highlights of the mission trip
- The greatest miracle in this trip was salvation of souls. During the door-to-door ministry, two people surrendered their lives to Jesus.
- 16 needy family were visited, among them were widows, a widower, sick, disabled and internally displaced people. They were supported with prayers, food and cash.
- A family with three physically and mentally challenged children were given three wheelchairs.
- Medical Camp – In collaboration with the Kenyan ministry of health and Kigoro medical center, health screening of vitals, blood glucose, vision, HIV tests were done, and treatment done as needed. Over 500 patients were treated.
- 150 reading glasses given.
- Two open air crusades
- Visited local churches
- Post Mission Follow-up
- Two widows were blessed with a dairy cow each to help them earn some income by selling milk. A house was constructed for one of the widows.
- Bought TV and a video player for the local health center for educational broadcasts.
- Started chicken business for a family that had children with disability.